Doctoral Community

Photo by Tim Alex on Unsplash

The UK Association for Public Administration (UKAPA) supports doctoral researchers on their way through their doctoral journey, in line with our key values of inclusive and impactful scholarship. We perceive doctoral researchers as our ‘next generation’ – whether their journey is towards becoming an academic, a public service practitioner or a policy-maker.

At the same time, we are aware of the challenges doctoral researchers in public administration face in the UK. UKAPA will therefore provide a range of tailored support schemes which will be co-designed with doctoral researchers, drawing on their lived experience, knowledge, skills and ideas. Networking opportunities and peer support will be provided from the doctoral research community in public administration in the UK, both staff and students. This will include, for example, hands-on advice and tips for your PhD thesis from peers and senior academics, as well as information from academics and practitioners working in public services on how to improve your employability.

We are also keen on learning from and engaging with the Doctoral Programme sections of international learned societies in public administration, such as IRPSM and EGPA.

Support mechanisms for doctoral researchers with UKAPA membership

  • Annual UKAPA Doctoral Conference.
  • Annual Richard Chapman Prize (best all round paper) and Annual Public Administration Prize  (most publishable paper, published in Public Administration, with editorial support).
  • UKAPA Buddy Scheme, which will provide mentoring from senior academics and peer support from other doctoral researchers.
  • Top Tips for your PhD Thesis Clinics (co-designed by senior academics, peer doctoral researchers and practitioners).
  • Resource Hub for doctoral researchers – more soon!

For further information, please contact, UKAPA’s Co-VC for Doctoral Research: